Course Name | Credits | Course Name | Credits |
Acts of the Apostles | 2 | Missionary Relationships | 2 |
Applied Sunday School | 2 | Missionary Strategies | 2 |
Beginning Music Theory I | 2 | Music in the Soul-Winning Church | 2 |
Biblical Character Traits | 2 | New Testament Survey | 3 |
Biblical Missions | 2 | Old Testament Survey | 3 |
Biblical Theology I | 3 | Pastoral Epistles | 2 |
Biblical Theology II | 3 | Personal Evangelism | 2 |
Child Psychology | 1 | Personal Finance | 1 |
Children’s Literature I | 2 | Physical Science Survey I | 3 |
Children’s Literature II | 2 | Prayer | 2 |
Christian Ethics | 1 | Preaching I | 2 |
Christian Ladies’ Attitude and Appearance | 2 | Preaching II | 2 |
Christian Manhood I | 1 | Preparation for Leadership | 1 |
Christian Manhood II | 1 | Preparation for Marriage | 2 |
Church & School Law | 2 | Principles and Methods of Education | 3 |
Church Education I – Online | 4 | Principles of Leadership | 1 |
Church Education II – Online | 4 | Problems of the Mission Field | 2 |
Concentrated Evangelism | 2 | School Administration I | 2 |
Daniel and Revelation | 3 | Starting a NT Church I | 2 |
Elementary Greek I | 3 | Teaching Music in the Christian School | 2 |
English Composition I | 3 | Teaching Reading and Language Arts in the Elementary School | 3 |
English Grammar and Composition 101 | 3 | Team Missions | 2 |
Essentials of Student Counseling | 2 | The Book of Genesis | 2 |
Evangelistic Song Leading | 2 | The Book of Hebrews | 2 |
Famous Documents in American History | 2 | The Book of Matthew | 1 |
Fundamentals of Music | 2 | The Book of Proverbs | 2 |
History of the Bible | 2 | The Book of Psalms | 2 |
How to Rear Children | 2 | The Books of I & II Corinthians | 2 |
How to Rear Infants | 2 | The Second Man | 2 |
How to Schedule Your Time (Ladies) | 1 | United States History I | 3 |
How To Study the Bible | 1 | Women of the Bible | 2 |
Introduction to Education | 2 | Youth Ministry I | 2 |
Life of Christ | 2 | Youth Ministry II | 2 |
Missionary Deputation | 2 | Ezra/Nehemiah/Esther | 3 |
History of the Civil War | 2 | Philosophy of Education | 3 |
History of WWII | 3 | Teaching Math in the Elementary School | 3 |
History of Jerusalem | 1 |