The Advantage Program allows you to begin earning college credit as a high school student. The more courses you take now, the further ahead you will be. Courses are conducted online, so completion of assignments easily fits your schedule.
The Advantage Program allows you to begin earning college credit as a high school student. The more courses you take now, the further ahead you will be. Courses are conducted online, so completion of assignments easily fits your schedule.
Tuition for the Advantage Program is only $100 per credit hour, more than a 50% savings off the cost of our resident college student tuition.
Old Testament Survey, a three-credit course, is a foundational survey of the Old Testament. The purpose, distinctives, characteristics, and broad outline of each book are presented to give a grasp of the entire Old Testament.
New Testament Survey, a three-credit course, is a foundational survey of the New Testament. The author, background, and purpose, as well as a broad outline of each book, are presented to give a grasp of the entire New Testament.
This course covers the book of Acts with its evangelism and church growth.
This course takes the student through the basics of followship with a distinct Christian perspective. Emphasis is placed on having a Scriptural attitude in life and building from this a successful foundation for Christian service.
This course is an emphasis on the man, methods, message, and means of evangelism. It is a careful study of the Spirit-filled life of the soul winner as well as the work of soul winning.